Agenda & Minutes
Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm, except for April when it will be held with the Annual Meeting on April 16th. The Annual Meeting will be held at 7:00pm with the Board Meeting to follow.
Please check our calendar for current meetings and any meeting changes.
December 11, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
Chairman Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk, and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on December 4, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the November 13 Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19474-19499, ACH payroll dated 11-21-24, 12-7-23 & 12-21-23, and December automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The account balances on November 30, 2023, were: Checking Account -- $34,852.54, Money Market -- $89,893.57, and ICS Account -- $0.01. The accounts were balanced with the bank as of November 30, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Brett, to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, gave his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave his report. Wes moved to approve, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield gave his report. Brett moved to approve the report. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
No old business.
Health Insurance Coverage Start Date—Cody Peterson: Moved by Wesley Koehler, seconded by Tim Haskins to begin payment for health insurance for Cody Peterson to start coverage January 1, 2024. Motion Carried unanimously.
Job Postings: Sexton, Lawn Mowing and Custodial: Tim Haskins moved to post the sexton job together with the lawn mowing for the cemeteries, town hall and town garage. Seconded by Wes Koehler. Motion Carried. The custodial position will be posted separately although could be given to the same person.
Update Website: Moved by Brett Hunter, seconded by Wes Koehler to obtain a domain for the website and email addresses. Motion Carried.
Appoint Election Inspectors: Wes moved to appoint the following election inspectors, Cathy Swanson, Stephanie Lintula, Ruth Kelleher, Bernadette Hohl, Sandy Nelson, Sherry Staffrude. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendments: None
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
November 13, 2023
Chairman Brett Hunter, called the meeting immediately following the close of the Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk, and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on November 6, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the October 9 Special Board Meeting and the Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the October 16 Budget Workshop and the October 19 Special Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Brett, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19442-19473, ACH payroll dated 10-26-2023, November 09, 2023, and November automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The account balances on October 31, 2023, were: Checking Account -- $23,618.44, Money Market -- $89,879.17, and ICS Account -- $0.01. The accounts were balanced with the bank as of October 31, 2023. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, was not available but submitted his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Brett reported that the grader repairs are done.
CONSTABLE: The constable was not available but submitted his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Update on Equipment Listed on Wisconsin Surplus (2006 F350, Rescue and Pumper): The equipment listed has sold: 2006 F350 sold for $7,575.00, The 1984 Ford F800 sold for $1,550.00 and the 2000 Ford E350 sold for $1,625.00
Messany Road Turn-Around: Tabled until next spring.
Adopt 2024 Summary Budget: Moved by Tim Haskins, seconded by Wes Koehler to adopt the 2024 Summary Budget. Motion Carried unanimously.
Order New Dump Truck: Wes Koehler moved to set up a purchase order with Boyer & Monroe stipulating that payments will begin on delivery of the new truck to the Town of Bennett. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Discuss Hiring Cemetery Sexton, Lawn Mowing & Recycle Attendant Substitute: Tim Haskins moved that the job openings for Sexton, Lawn Mower & Recycle Attendant Substitute be posted separately. Seconded by Wes Koehler. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendments: Wes Koehler moved to adopt Budget Amendment TB-2023-06-R adjusting the budget with the sale of the equipment previously discussed. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 7:27 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
November 13, 2023
The Budget Hearing for the Town of Bennett was called to order by Chairman Brett Hunter on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the Budget Hearing and the Special Town meeting were posted on the Town Hall Door and Town Hall Bulletin Board, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on October 30, 2023.
The 2024 Proposed Budget was available for review. No other town residents were in attendance.
Moved by Brett Hunter, seconded by Timothy Haskins to close the Budget Hearing. Motion Carried.
The Special Town Meeting was called to order at the close of the Budget Hearing.
Purpose: To Adopt the 2023 town tax levy to be collected in 2024 pursuant to Section 60.10(1)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes.
Wesley Koehler moved to adopt the 2023 Tax Levy (Payable in 2024) for the Town of Bennett in the amount of $280,153.00. Seconded by Brett Hunter. Motion Carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wesley Koehler moved to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Seconded by Timothy Haskins. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 9, 2023
PURPOSE: 2024 Contract Negotiations with the Operating Engineers Local 139
Brett Hunter called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance included: Brett Hunter, Chair, Wes Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, Bruce Sutherland and Charles Martineau, Town Employees, Casey Aronson and Adam Kaseno from the Operating Engineers. Absent: Timothy Haskins, Supervisor
Casey presented the union proposal for the 2024 contract. The union bases the contract increase on the January CPI which is 6.26%. They are asking for a 6.26% increase in wages for both the union employees and an increase in the health insurance premium of $43 per month/per employee. The rest of the contract remains the same as the 2023 contract.
The current and proposed rates are as follows:
Wages | 2023 Rate | 6.26% Increase | New 2024 Rate |
Foreman | $26.79 | $1.68 | $28.47 |
Equipment Operator/Truck Driver/Mechanic | $24.73 | $1.55 | $26.28 |
Health Insurance | 2023 Rate | Increase | New 2024 Rate |
Monthly Health Insurance | $1,966.00/month per employee | $43.00 monthly increase | $2,009.00/month per employee |
The board discussed the proposal and felt the proposed contract was reasonable. Brett Hunter moved to approve the 2024 Union Contract Proposal as presented. Wes seconded. Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business the meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
Monday, October 16, 2023 @ 6 p.m.
At the Bennett Town Hall
9215 E County Road L, Bennett, Wisconsin
Brett Hunter called the budget workshop to order at 6 PM. Present: Brett Hunter, Chair, Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, Travis Theien, Fire Chief, Bruce Sutherland, Charles Martineau, Larry Kappes and Rick Hartzell. The board along with the town residents looked over the budget that the clerk had prepared and made a few changes.
Wes moved to move ahead with purchasing a dump truck by putting it on the November Board meeting agenda. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
The final budget figure for the 2024 Total Expenditures is $546,773 and the 2024 Final Total Revenue is also $546,773.
Due to there being no further business, the budget workshop/special board meeting adjourned by 7:30 p.m.
Dated this 16th day of October 2023
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 9, 2023
Chairman Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk, and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer. Absent: Timothy Haskins
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on October 2, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the September 11, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Brett, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Brett, to pay the bills, checks #19402-19441, ACH payroll dated 9-28-23 & 10-12-23, and October automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The account balances on September 30, 2023, were: Checking Account -- $21,656.91, Money Market -- $109,856.23, and ICS Account -- $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of September 30, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Brett to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, gave a report on the activities of the Fire Department. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Brett moved to approve the fire department report. Wes seconded. Motion carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved to approve the highway department report, Brett seconded. Motion carried.
CONSTABLE: The constable had no calls.
CEMETERY SEXTON: Charles Martineau, Sexton, submitted reports on Cemetery and mowing activities. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved to approve the cemetery reports. Seconded by Brett. Motion carried.
List Equipment on Wisconsin Surplus (2006 F350, Rescue and Pumper): The equipment has been listed on the Wisconsin Surplus site and has about 6 more days. The dually bids are going well, not too many bids yet on the rescue and pumper. Need to get equipment into the shop and make sure batteries are charged and equipment is ready to go. Brett approved. Wes seconded. Motion Carried.
Messany Road Turn-Around: There is still work to be done in getting an easement for the turn-around. Approved by Brett, seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Set-up Interviews with Applicants for Full-Time Employee: The clerk received a call from an applicant to check and make sure his resume had been received. It had not been received so he checked his email and realized that he had made an error in the email address so it did not come through. He resent his resume along with proof of sending it initially on Sept. 27, 2023. Under the circumstances the board felt that they would accept his resume.
Moved by Brett Hunter, seconded by Wes Koehler to accept the application from Justin Andren even though it was received late due to his error in the email address for the town. Motion Carried.
The board decided to set up interviews for Thursday, October 19, 2023, starting at 6 p. m. The clerk will contact the applicants to set up interviews and let the board know.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Seconded by Brett. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
September 11, 2023
Chairman Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on September 5, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the August 14, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19368-19401, ACH payroll dated 8-31-23, 9-14-23, and September automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The account balances on August 31, 2023, were: Checking Account -- $18,671.29, Money Market -- $149,807.86, and ICS Account -- $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of August 31, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, gave a report on the activities of the Fire Department. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved to approve the fire department report. Tim seconded. Motion carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved to approve the highway department report, Tim seconded. Motion carried.
CONSTABLE: The constable’s report was read by the clerk. The report is attached to the original of these minutes. Tim moved to approve the constable report. Wes seconded. Motion carried.
CEMETERY SEXTON: Charles Martineau, Sexton, submitted reports on Cemetery and mowing activities. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Tim moved to approve the cemetery reports. Seconded by Wes. Motion carried.
Research Grant Options and Plans for Town Garage: Brett and Bruce have finalized the plans for the town garage. They will present it at Budget time to see if the town can get it in the budget.
Consider Dump Truck Purchase/Lease from Boyer Trucks: The board decided to postpone discussion of purchasing a truck until the budget workshop.
List Equipment on Wisconsin Surplus (2006 F350, Rescue and Pumper): Brett finished up the posting to list the F350, the Rescue Truck and the Pumper on the Wisconsin Surplus Site. He will post the ad for 30-days. The board agreed to put a minimum on the F350 of $3,500. The rescue and pumper will not have a minimum bid. Brett plans to get this posted on the site on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
Discuss Hiring Town Operator: Tim moved that the job opening notice with contact information updated to Tim Haskins and Brett Hunter, be posted with applications due to the town clerk by October 1, 2023. The notice should be posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, Town Website, Superior Telegram (2 weeks) and a copy sent to Casey Aronson, Union Rep for IUOE Local 139. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Line Road Weight Limit: Wes Moved to approve the weight limit ordinance on the Line Road. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried. Brett will get the ordinance to the Town of Hawthorne for their signatures as it is a shared road.
Messany Road Turn-Around: Bruce Sutherland and Brett Hunter went and looked at Messany Road for a turn-around space. They are now waiting to hear from Jason Jackman, County Commissioner, on the road dimensions and right-of-way.
Lake Minnesuing Sanitary District—Appoint Officers: Wes moved to approve the appointment of Joe Dusek, President, Mark Fredrickson, Treasurer and Debbie Anderson, Secretary, of the Lake Minnesuing Sanitary District. Tim seconded. Motion carried.
Mowing of Town Roads: Bruce let the board know that he has about 1 week of mowing that may not be able to be finished due to only one employee now and other priorities before winter. The board said that he should just do what he can.
Set Date for Budget Workshop: Date set at Monday, October 16, 2023, at 6 p.m. to hold budget workshop. Budgets from fire department, highway department, cemetery and town board should be submitted as soon as possible for clerk to enter into the budget for consideration at the workshop.
Budget Amendments: Tim moved to approve Budget Amendment #TB-2023-05-R. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: Tim Haskins asked if the board had any issues with Lake Effect blacktopping the portion of Wasko Road by his property. Bruce said that the portion owned by the Town of Bennett is actually farther down the road. The board had no problem with the blacktopping.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
August 14, 2023
Chairman Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on August 7, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the July 10, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19331-19367, ACH payroll dated 7/21/23, 8/3/23, 8/17/23, and August automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The July 31, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $32,288.58, Money Market was $119,044.66, and ICS Account had a balance of $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of July 31, 2023. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, gave a report on the activities of the Fire Department. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved, Tim seconded the fire department report. Motion carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Tim moved, Wes seconded the highway department report. Motion carried.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield, Constable, gave his report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Wes moved to approve the constable report. Tim seconded. Motion carried.
CEMETERY SEXTON: Charles Martineau, Sexton, submitted reports on Cemetery and mowing activities. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. Motion carried.
Research Grant Options and Plans for Town Garage: Brett is still working on getting more bids. One bid has been received.
Consider Dump Truck Purchase/Lease from Boyer Trucks: The approximate purchase price is $300,000. The clerk and treasurer will need to check into financing options and Bruce will check on what kind of down payment would be required to order.
List Equipment on Wisconsin Surplus (2006 F350, Rescue and Pumper): Tim moved to approve listing the equipment for sale, Wes seconded. Motion carried.
Area Variance: Matthew Benson &Jacqui Koosman: Wes moved to send in the variance with no objections. Tim seconded. Motion carried.
Select Fuel Supplier for the Town Highway Department:
Wes moved to switch vendors for fuel, oil, and propane to Midland Services. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried. Bruce will call both Heinz & Midland.
Discuss Hiring Town Equipment Operator: The board discussed the job description and getting the job posted. They also discussed full-time vs. part-time. Wes moved to post the job as full-time position. Tim seconded. Motion Carried.
Cut Trees at Town Hall/Fire Hall:
Bruce and Charlie are looking at cleaning out the dead trees and clearing trees behind the dumpster for plowing purposes. Tim moved to have Bruce and Charlie cut down the trees discussed and allow Charlie to take the wood. Wes seconded. Motion Carried.
Burial of Farm Animals by Town Employees:
Brett moved to discontinue the town burial of farm animals. Wes seconded. Motion carried.
Line Road Weight Limit:
Wes prepared an ordinance to post a weight limit on the Line Road. Hawthorne owns ½ of the road. Brett will talk to Hawthorne about posting the road.
Replace Stove/Refrigerator in Town Kitchen:
Wes moved to research new appliances and cost to replace the kitchen appliances for the 2024 budget.
Budget Amendments: Wes moved to approve Budget Amendment #TB-2023-04-R. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: Tim Haskins talked about getting together with Eunice on the Messany Road to see about getting a turn-around installed before winter.
Ann Mini would like to present the Minnesuing Sanitary District change of officers. We will put it on the September agenda.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
July 10, 2023
Supervisor Wesley Koehler, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Timothy Haskins, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Town Treasurer. Absent: Brett Hunter, Chairperson.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on July 3, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the June 12, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the June 22, 2023, Special Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19297-19330, ACH payroll dated 6/22/23 and 7/6/23, and July automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The June 30, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $49,079.92, Money Market was $168,999.93, and ICS Account had a balance of $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of June 30, 2023. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien, Fire Chief, gave a report on the activities of the Fire Department. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield, Constable, gave his report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY SEXTON: Charles Martineau, Sexton, reported that all is going well with the cemetery.
Research Grant Options and Plans for Town Garage: Nothing new to report.
Consider Dump Truck Purchase/Lease from Boyer Trucks: Received a price from Boyer Trucks. The board will look it over and discuss at the August Board meeting.
Purchase No Smoking Signs for Town Properties: Wes moved to purchase an adequate number of “No Smoking” signs for the town properties. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Consider Resolution of Opposition Regarding Passage of AB292 and SB289 in the Wisconsin Assembly and Senate that would change the Assessment Process:
Wes moved to pass the resolution in opposition. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
List Equipment on Wisconsin Surplus (2006 F350, Rescue and Pumper): The board members tabled this discussion to the August board meeting when Brett is back.
Budget Amendments: Wes moved to approve Budget Amendment #TB-2023-03-R to pay-off the New Holland Tractor and Mower loan at National Bank of Commerce. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No Action Needed
Correspondence: No Action Needed
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Town Clerk
June 12, 2023
Chairman, Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Morgan Fowler, Deputy Clerk. Absent: Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on June 7, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the May 15, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the deputy clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #19260-19296, ACH payroll dated 6/8/23, and June automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The May 31, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $75,309.12, Money Market was $168,923.34, and ICS Account had a balance of $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of May 31, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Rescue 1 is in service now. Engine II and Old Rescue trucks are de-commissioned and ready for disposal/sale. There were 6 EMS calls, 1-no response.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield, Constable was not available.
Sell 2006 Ford F350: The F350 is ready to sell or put up for surplus. The Highway Department is to clean and wash F350 up for sale. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Research Grant Options and Plans for Town Garage: Received one back but over cost wanted to spend. Put out another bid for state funding. Approved by Wes, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Area Variance: Mark & Deborah Fredrickson, BE-004-00150-00
Wes moved to deny the variance. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Consider Dump Truck Purchase/Lease from Boyer Trucks: If debt is paid off on Tractor/Mower loan, Chassis would be approved for 2024 budget. Boyer will give $12,000 on old truck. Boyer spec a new chassis by Highway Department. Tabled to July meeting for new chassis specs that fit needs of the town. Approved by Wes, Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Post Line Road between Hwy 53 & Co. Rd. E with a permanent weight limit: This needs to be a written ordinance. Wes will get started on the ordinance. Road weight posted between 53 & E. May need help from the Towns Association. Brett and Wes are to work with Tammy to get ordinance done and posted. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Pay-off of Tractor/Mower Loan: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to pay-off the New Holland Tractor/Mower Loan by using the budget for the General Public Building Fund of $6,500 and the Gravel Balance of $10,000. The pay-off and budget amendment to be approved at the July board meeting. Motion Carried.
Class B Beer/Liquor Licenses: Tim moved to approve the Class B Beer and Liquor licenses for CCZ Campgrounds, Inc., Sidelines of Bennett, Inc. and Tonkawa, Inc. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Cigarette Licenses: Wes moved to approve the Cigarette licenses for CCZ Campgrounds, Inc., and Sidelines of Bennett, Inc. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Operator’s Licenses: Wes moved to approve the Operator licenses Todd Campbell, Sandra Fraley, Rhonda Stewart, and Herbert James. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Spray Town Hall Property for Insects: Tim moved to approve looking into getting the town hall property sprayed. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendments (if necessary): None
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: 8084 S Minnesuing Acres Drive—Draft a letter to owner stating:
- Fire Department does not have capabilities or equipment to respond to this location.
- Notify landowners that they will need to rely on Douglas County.
Wes moved to draft a letter or look into what is needed. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
Morgan Fowler, Deputy Clerk
May 15, 2023
Chairman, Brett Hunter, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on May 8, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the April 10, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #19221-19259, ACH payroll dated 4/27/23 & 5/8/23, and May automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the April financial report. The
April 30, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $30,797.71, Money Market was $188,848.44, and ICS Account had a balance of $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of April 30, 2023. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Fire Chief, Travis Theien, gave the fire department reports for April. He reported that the new rescue truck has arrived due to a large donation by the Friends of the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department. The new rescue UTV has also arrived paid for by the grant applied for by Brett Hunter. Travis asked the board to consider gifting the Engine II and the old Rescue Truck to the Friends or set aside proceeds from the sale for future fire department apparatus purchases. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. The grader is on the road after repairs but is waiting for parts to finish the cylinder repair. There is a large tree in the cemetery that is dying and needs to be removed. He has someone looking at fixing the roof leak. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield, Constable, gave his report for April. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Lawn Mowing—2023 & Cemetery Sexton Replacement: The clerk received an application from Charles Martineau for the Cemetery Sexton and lawn mowing. After the board looked over his application, Tim moved to hire Charles Martineau for both Cemetery Sexton and lawn mowing. Seconded by Wes Koehler. Motion Carried.
Prepare to Sell 2006 Ford F350: Brett recommended that the board table the sale of the F350 for now so that the new Sexton, Charles Martineau, can use it to move the mowers this summer.
Tim moved to table the sale of the F350 for the time being, seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Recycle Attendant Substitute:
Wes moved to hire Charles Martineau as the substitute recycle attendant along with the mowing and sexton positions. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Research Grant Options and Plans for Town Garage: Wes moved to allow Brett to begin the process of researching grant options for a new town garage. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Consider Dump Truck Purchase/Lease: Brett, Bruce and Alec met with Boyer trucks to discuss a truck they have available that was set up for the State of Minnesota. It had more on it than the town needs but Boyer Trucks is preparing a quote with a trade-in allowance for the truck but set-up as the town would need it. Tim moved to approve researching this truck and getting a quote set-up for the town. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Consider Pay-off of Tractor/Mower Loan: Tim moved to approve researching budget amendments for the purpose of paying-off the tractor/mower loan in preparation for purchasing a new truck. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Class B Beer/Liquor Licenses, Cigarette Licenses & Operator’s Licenses: The Clerk asked the board to postpone the approval of the licenses until the June board meeting.
Budget Amendments (if necessary): None
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: Rick Hartzell asked if there is gravel available for road repairs this spring. Brett answered that the first priority is the roads that were washed out in the spring flooding. We have about 1000 ton in the Bennett pile and Solon Concrete owes the town approximately 3700 ton of gravel. Solon Concrete will also be crushing another $20,000 worth of gravel, hopefully soon.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:03 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
April 18, 2023
Bennett Town Hall
The Annual Town Meeting was held at the town hall on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Officers in attendance were Barry Carlson, Outgoing Chair, Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, clerk, and Brett Hunter, newly elected Chairperson.
Notice of the meeting was posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and on the Town Website on April 4, 2023.
Barry Carlson called to meeting to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the 2022 Annual Meeting were read by Clerk Tamara Johnson. Moved by Travis Theien, seconded by Sue Ahlberg, to approve the minutes as written. Motion Carried with no opposition.
The minutes of the August 19, 2022, Special Town Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Bernie Hohl, seconded by Patricia Carlson, to approve as written. Motion Carried with no opposition.
The minutes of the November 14, 2022, Special Town Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Sue Ahlberg, seconded by Travis Theien, to approve as written. Motion carried without opposition.
2022 Financial Report:
The clerk gave an overview of the 2022 Financial Report and time was given for review and questions on the Financial Report. Moved by Bernie Hohl, seconded by Sue Ahlberg, to approve the 2022 Financial Report as presented. Motion Carried without opposition.
Other Business:
Bruce Sutherland suggested that the town quit burying large animals for residents. He did not feel that the $100 fee covers their time and expenses to bury the animals.
Paul Staffrude asked about the fee paid to the Town of Highland for road maintenance on Minnesuing Road. The board replied that the town entered into an agreement with the Town of Highland some years back. Highland takes care of the road maintenance and Bennett pays them the Transportation Aid received for that road.
Being there was no further business brought before the town, Bernie Hohl moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Pam Hunter. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
April 10, 2023
Chairman, Barry Carlson, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on April 4, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the March 13, 2023, Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve as read and corrected by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #19181-19220, ACH payroll dated 3/30/23 & 4/13/23, and April automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the March financial report. The
March 31, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $25,494.69, Money Market was $180,174.17, and ICS Account had a balance of $0.49. The accounts balanced with the bank as of March 31, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Fire Chief, Travis Theien, gave the fire department reports for February and March. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes. The garage roof vent leaks when there is a snow load and needs to have a deflector installed.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield, Constable, gave his report for February and March. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Lawn Mowing--2023: Tim will work on this for the May 15th Board meeting.
Cemetery Sexton Replacement: The Sexton position has been posted on the website and at the Town Hall and the Recycle Center. Two residents have requested information on the sexton position, but no one has contacted the clerk with interest in the job.
Oath of Office—Elected Officials:
The following officials were elected at the April 4th Spring Election.
Chairperson: Brett Hunter
Supervisors: Wesley Koehler
Timothy Haskins
Town Clerk: Tamara Johnson
Town Treasurer: Stephanie Lintula
Town Constable: Jay Burfield
Oaths of office were distributed to the elected officials and signed, except for Brett Hunter who will sign with the clerk when he returns from vacation. New signature cards will have to be filled out with National Bank of Commerce for the newly elected chairman, Brett Hunter.
Prepare to Sell the 2006 Ford F350: Tim will get this ready for the May meeting.
Reminder: Annual Town Meeting is Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 7 p.m.
Budget Amendments (if necessary): None
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: Request by Town Resident on Giffin Lane that the plow drivers plow out the end of the driveway that they use for a turn-around so that the snow doesn’t get packed by the plow as it makes it difficult to remove. He also thanked the plow drivers for the good plowing job this winter.
Tim reported that he went to the Towns Association meeting and got information for loans at 5% interest from the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
March 13, 2023
Chairman, Barry Carlson, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer. Absent: Timothy Haskins, Supervisor
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on March 6, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the February Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as read by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #19135-19180, ACH payroll dated 3/2/23 & 3/16/23, and March automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the February financial report. The
February 28, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $16,733.37, Money Market was $200,075.79, and ICS Account had a balance of $30,019.50. The accounts balanced with the bank as of February 28, 2023. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Lawn Mowing--2023: Wes has prepared a job posting for the board to look over but after discussion of the pay rate and needing to purchase a lawn mower, Wes said that this can wait until Tim Haskins is back next month as he was going to handle this.
Cemetery Sexton Replacement: Wes wrote up a job description and a job posting for the Sexton. The clerk will get that posted.
Discuss Grader Repairs: Wes moved to get the grader repairs done as quoted. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
Schedule April Board and Annual Town Meeting: The board meeting will be held on Monday, April 10, 2023 and the Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
Budget Amendments for Year-end Funds: Wes moved to adopt Budget Amendment TB-2023-02-R, moving the ARPA Grant Monies designated for the purchase of a fire truck to Account #57220. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
February 13, 2023
Chairman, Barry Carlson, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on February 6, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the January Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as read by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #19075-19134, ACH payroll dated 1/19/23 & 2/2/23 & 2/16/23, and February automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the January financial report. The
January 31, 2023, balance of the Checking Account was $21,559.52, Money Market was $200,081.40, and ICS Account had a balance of $223,165.19. The accounts balanced with the bank as of January 31, 2023. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Chief Travis Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield gave his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Lawn Mowing--2023: Wes will work on a job posting for the lawn mowing position.
Cemetery Sexton Replacement: Wes wrote up a job description and will work on a job posting for the Sexton.
Cemetery Sexton Job Description: Wes has prepared the job description for the board to look over with the intent of approval at the March Board meeting.
Phone/Internet at Town Garage: Wes moved that the town operator’s check-in to getting internet at the town garage. seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
US Department of Transportation Grant Opportunity: The clerk gave the town board information from the Department of Transportation regarding grant opportunities for their consideration.
Messany Road Turn-around: Tim reported that the board met at the end of Messany Road and looked at options for building a turn-around next spring.
Fire Department—Purchase Rescue Mini-Pumper: Wes moved to give the Fire Department pre-approval to purchase the 2011 Alexis Ford 4X4 if they approve of the vehicle upon personal inspection and to release the ARPA funds set aside for that purpose to pay the balance of the purchase along with funds from the Friends of the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Fire Department Equipment Replacement Plan: Fire Chief, Travis Theien, would like to work on setting up a replacement plan for fire department equipment.
Budget Amendments for Year-end Funds: None
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
January 9, 2023
The regular Town Board Meeting was called to order following the Town Caucus by Chairman Barry Carlson on Monday, January 9, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on January 3, 2023.
MINUTES: The minutes of the December Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as read by the clerk. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #19032-19074, ACH payroll dated 12/22/22 & 01/05/2023, and January automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the December financial report. The
December 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $38,382.19, Money Market was $157,007.63, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $0.01. The accounts balanced with the bank as of December 31, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Chief Travis Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes. Alec Fowler stated that Messany Road needs a solution for a turn-around.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield gave his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Lawn Mowing--2023: Wes moved to prepare a bid for the lawn mowing position. Tim seconded. Motion Carried. Tim and Wes will prepare a bid notice for the February meeting.
Cemetery Sexton Replacement: Wes has checked with a few people but has not found anyone willing to take on the cemetery yet. He commented that a job description should be made for the sexton position. Wes moved to publish the opening of the sexton position. Tim seconded. Motion Carried.
Water Test at Town Garage: No new action taken.
Bennett Volunteer Fire Department Constitution and Bylaws:
Wes moved to approve the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department Constitution and Bylaws as prepared by Fire Chief, Travis Theien and the fire department. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Wages for Recycle Center, Janitor, Election Officials: The clerk presented a request that the board increase the wages for Elections: Chief Inspector and Assistant Chief Inspector to $15 per hour, Inspectors to $14 per hour as well as Recycle Attendant increase to $15 per hour and Janitor to $15 per hour as the board had budgeted for 2023. Wes moved to approve those wage increases, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Official Approval to Renew Tractor Loan: Tim Haskins moved to renew the loan with National Bank of Commerce for the New Holland Tractor and the mower. Seconded by Wes Koehler. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendments for Year-end Funds: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to adopt the budget amendment #TB-2023-01-R, moving the year-end balance of $26,236 to the following accounts: #52210-05 $1,236, #57220—Fire Truck Outlay $5,000, #57324—Highway Equipment Fund $20,000 and to move the Flex Grant funds of $44,075 back into the Fire Department budget for 2023. Motion Carried.
Joint Powers Agreement: Wes moved to approve the annual joint powers agreement for emergency services. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Ron Johnson started a discussion on it being the board’s responsibility to figure out what to do about the turn-around on Messany Road as it is needed for safety of all.
There also was discussion about the price and process for ordering a new dump truck.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
JANUARY 9, 2023
7 PM
Notices for the caucus were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the town website on December 19, 2022.
Chairman, Barry Carlson called the caucus to order at 7 PM.
Barry Carlson called for nominations for someone to chair the town caucus. Wes nominated Ron Johnson, seconded by Tim Haskins.
Ron called for two residents to act as tellers to canvas the vote for each office if necessary. Jay Burfield and Morgan Fowler offered to count ballots if needed.
Town Chair:
Mike Karras nominated Brett Hunter for Town Chair, seconded by Rachel Robbins
Tim Haskins nominated Barry Carlson for Town Chair, seconded by Wes Koehler
Ron Johnson called three times for any more nominations and then closed the nominations for Chair.
Town Supervisors:
Barry Carlson nominated Tim Haskins for Town Supervisor, seconded by Wes Koehler
Tim Haskins nominated Wes Koehler for Town Supervisor, seconded by Mike Karras
Ron Johnson called three times for any more nominations and then closed the nominations for Supervisor.
Town Clerk:
Wes Koehler nominated Tammy Johnson for Town Clerk, seconded by Morgan Fowler
Ron Johnson called three times for any more nominations and then closed the nominations for Clerk.
Town Treasurer:
Wes Koehler nominated Stephanie Lintula for Town Treasurer, seconded by Jay Burfield
Ron Johnson called three times for any more nominations and then closed the nominations for Treasurer.
Town Constable:
Tom Burfield nominated Jay Burfield for Town Constable, seconded by Melissa Hunter
Ron Johnson called three times for any more nominations and then closed the nominations for Constable.
There being no further business, Sue Ahlberg moved to close the Town Caucus, seconded by Alec Fowler. Motion Carried.
All nominations will be on the ballot on April 4, 2023. The clerk had Stephanie Lintula draw names in the front of a witness, for ballot order for Town Chair and Town Supervisors. Brett Hunter will be first and Barry Carlson second on the ballot for Town Chair, Tim Haskins will be first and Wes Koehler second on the ballot for Town Supervisor.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
December 12, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson on Monday, December 12, 2022, at 7 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Timothy Haskins, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer. Absent: Wesley Koehler
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on December 5, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the November 14 Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting and Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18994-19031, ACH payroll dated 11/24/22 & 12/08/22, and December automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the November financial report. The
November 30, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $43,813.44, Money Market was $96,325.59, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $0.03. The accounts balanced with the bank as of November 30, 2022. Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Chief Travis Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: The constable had no activity the past month.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley said the roof repair is complete for the year. It will need to be addressed for more repairs or alternatives in the future.
Closing of Line Road and Upgrading Bennett & Klang Roads
Action on upgrading these roads will be postponed until spring of 2023.
Lawn Mowing and Cemetery Sexton Replacement: Postponed until January 2023.
Bennett Volunteer Fire Department Constitution and Bylaws:
The board needed more time to review the constitution and bylaws prepared by the fire department. It will be considered at the January Board meeting.
Douglas County Hazard Mitigation Plan—Town Plan: The clerk gave the board members the mitigation plan that the town will be part of under the Douglas County Plan. The board may pass an mitigation ordinance if so desired but will be automatically included in the county plan.
Water Test at the Town Garage: The water tested high for arsenic. The board thought that we should get another water test done and/or speak with Cameron Bertsch from Douglas County about the test results.
Gravel Budget for 2023: Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry, to have Solon Concrete crush $20,000 of gravel from the budget for 2023 and hold the additional $10,000 for needed aggregate throughout 2023. Motion Carried.
Sign Loan Papers for Renewing the New Holland Tractor Loan: The clerk informed the board that the paperwork to renew the loan for the New Holland tractor is being prepared and the bank will contact us for signatures as soon as it is ready.
De-stumping the Bennett Cemetery: Postpone discussion until spring of 2023.
Replace 2002 International Dump Truck: Tim Haskins will check into the down-payment required to get a truck ordered and the details on commitment to purchase.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Correspondence on Broadband grants and a Sharps Disposal site were given to the board.
Public Comment: Nothing
Timothy Haskins made the motion to hold the Town Caucus at 7 p.m. on January 9, 2023, prior to the January Board meeting. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
November 14, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson on Monday, November 14, 2022, immediately following the Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting which started at 7 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer. Absent: Timothy Haskins, Supervisor.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on November 7, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the October 10 Special Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the October 10 Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk and corrected by removing a redundant paragraph. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as corrected. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the October 17 Special Board and Budget Workshop meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18943-18992, ACH payroll dated 10/27/22 and 11/10/22 and November automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the October financial report. The
October 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $9,192.22, Money Market was $136,866.69, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $4,389.44. The accounts balanced with the bank as of October 31, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Ann Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield gave the constable report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Glenn Khalar gave the cemetery report, it is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley will contact Troy Nelson, CMC Construction, Inc. to see when they plan to do the repairs on the town garage. The storage building and town hall roofs have been completed.
Closing of Line Road and Upgrading Bennett & Klang Roads
Stop Signs have been installed on both the Bennett Road and Line Road crossings.
DNR Road Aids Application
The application has been submitted to the Department of Natural Resources.
Well Pump Repair/Replacement at Town Garage:
The pump has been repaired by Willie Silvernail.
Sign Union Contract:
Wesley Koehler and Barry Carlson signed the contract as approved at contract negotiations.
Zone Change: F-1 Forestry to A-1 Agriculture—Emily Kalnicky: Wesley moved to approve the zone change for Emily Kalnicky from F-1 to A-1. Barry seconded. Motion carried.
Zone Change: F-1 Forestry to RR-1 Agriculture—Robert & Jennifer Rushing: Wesley moved to approve the zone change for Robert & Jennifer Rushing from F-1 to RR-1. Barry seconded. Motion carried.
Adopt the 2023 Budget: Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry, to adopt the 2023 Budget for the Town of Bennett. Motion Carried.
Cemetery Sexton and Lawn Mowing Replacements: The board postponed discussion of replacements for sexton and lawn mowing until the December 2022 board meeting.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
November 14, 2022
The Budget Hearing for the Town of Bennett was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer. Absent: Timothy Haskins, Supervisor.
Notices of the Budget Hearing and the Special Town meeting were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on October 31, 2022.
The clerk reviewed the proposed budget with the board and the town residents that were present.
After review of the proposed budget the Special Town Meeting began.
Sue Ahlberg moved to adopt the 2022 Tax Levy to be collected in 2023 pursuant to Section 60.10(1)(a) of Wisconsin Statutes. Seconded by Bruce Sutherland. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Sue Ahlberg moved to increase the wages of both the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer by $1,000 per year. This increase brings the wages for the next 2-year term of the clerk to $13,000 per year and the treasurer to $7,760 per year. Motion Carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Barry Carlson moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Jay Burfield. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
Monday, October 17, 2022 @ 6 p.m.
At the Bennett Town Hall
9215 E County Road L, Bennett, Wisconsin
Barry Carlson called the budget workshop to order at 6 PM. Present: Barry Carlson, Timothy Haskins, Tamara Johnson, Stephanie Lintula, Travis Theien, Larry Kappes and Rick Hartzell. The board along with the town residents looked over the budget that the clerk had prepared and made a few changes.
Larry Kappes asked the board to increase the wages of both the town clerk and the town treasurer by $1,000 per year. The board did increase the budget for the clerk and treasurer by $1,077 for $1,000 wages and FICA.
The board also increased the gravel budget from $20,000 as requested by Bruce Sutherland to $30,000 as requested by Larry Kappes.
Travis Theien, Fire Chief, reduced the amounts the clerk had entered for the Fire Department supplies according to the budget that the fire department had prepared.
Tim Haskins moved to approve the final proposed budget for 2023 with the changes made during the workshop and applying $47,850 from the balance of the 2022 budget. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
At 7:47 p.m., Barry Carlson moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Dated this 17th day of October 2022
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 10, 2022
PURPOSE: Contract Negotiations with the Operating Engineers, Local 139
Barry Carlson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Those in attendance included: Barry Carlson, Chair, Wes Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk, Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler—Bennett Employees, and Casey Aronson and Adam Kaseno from the Operating Engineers.
Casey presented the union proposal for the 2023 contract. The union bases the contracts on the January CPI which was 7.17% and up trending. They are asking for a 7.17% increase in wages for both Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler, reimbursement of the cost of CDL licensing and the Health Insurance increase of $42.04 per month per employee.
Casey, Adam, Bruce and Alec stepped out for the board to discuss the proposal.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the union proposal of a 7.17% wage increase, $42.04 monthly increase in health insurance per employee and reimbursement for CDL licensing. Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 10, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, October 10, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on October 6, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the September 12, 2022, board were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wesley to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy, to pay the bills, checks #18907-18942, ACH payroll dated 9/29/22 and 10/13/22 and October automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the September financial report. The
September 30, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $14,574.17, Money Market was $165,135.99, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.53. The accounts balanced with the bank as of September 30, 2022. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Fire Chief, Travis Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield was on a constable call and unable to attend.
CEMETERY: Glenn Khalar gave the cemetery report, it is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley has been in contact with Troy Nelson, CMC Construction, Inc. They are preparing to get the garage roofs repaired.
Town Hall Upkeep and Repairs
CMC Construction will provide samples of snowbars for the boards decision on which to install.
Closing of Line Road and Upgrading Bennett & Klang Roads
The board approved the notes that Bruce had prepared for requests for estimates for 3 parts of the process of closing the Line Road Railroad crossing.
DNR Road Aids Application
Bruce prepared an estimate to submit for the DNR Road Aids Grant to upgrade the Turkey Farm Road. The board thought it looked good so Tammy will get it submitted to the DNR.
Town Hall Upkeep & Repairs
The snow bars for the town hall roof were approved in the proposal from CMC Construction under Highway Department Roof repairs.
Glenn Khalar Resignation—Janitor, Mowing & Cemetery Sexton:
Glenn Khalar has notified the board that he plans to resign his positions of Janitor, Mowing and Cemetery Sexton as of November 30, 2022.
Stephanie Lintula volunteered to take over the Janitor position. Moved by Barry, seconded by Wes, to hire Stephanie Lintula as the janitor for the town hall. Motion Carried.
The board will have to be seeking someone to be the sexton and someone to do the town mowing.
Grader Repair/Replacement: Barry Carlson asked Fabick for quotes for a grader replacement. Quotes were received and reviewed for a new grader and a used grader. The town’s 1995 grader currently has 12,000 hours.
Well Pump Repair/Replacement at Town Garage: The pump is not working correctly at the garage and Bruce had Willie Silvernail come and give a price to repair. Wes moved to have Silvernail repair the pump. Tim Seconded. Motion Carried. The funds to repair will come from the Highway Building Outlay Budget.
Superior Days: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to give $100 toward Superior Days. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendments: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to approve Budget Amendment Resolution #TB-2022-05-R. Motion Carried.
Budget Workshop—October 17, 2022 @ 6 p.m.
Notification of Non-Candidacy Forms: The clerk presented the board with non-candidacy forms to submit by December 23, 2022, if they do not plan to run for office in April 2023.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 8:29 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
September 12, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, September 12, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Absent: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on September 6, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the August 8, 2022, board meeting and the August 19, 2022, Special Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy, to pay the bills, checks #18859-18906 which include 2 bills presented tonight (D&S Electric & Roadhouse Lucky 7) with checks to be cut after the board meeting, ACH payroll dated 9/1/22 & 9/15/22 and September automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: The treasurer’s report was read by the clerk. The August 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $13,456.71, Money Market was $205,047.14, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.50. The accounts balanced with the bank as of August 31, 2022. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Fire Chief, Travis Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield had no activities last month.
CEMETERY: Glenn Khalar gave the cemetery report, it is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley received an estimate from Troy Nelson, CMC Construction, Inc. After discussing the estimate, Wes moved to accept the proposal to fix the garage roof and the storage building roof and install snow bars at the town hall as presented in the proposal. Tim seconded. Motion Carried. Wes will contact Troy Nelson to have them do the work.
Contract to Clear Trees at Cemetery—Terry Priem
The board reviewed the contract presented by Terry Priem, Priem’s Forest Products, to clear trees at the Bennett Cemetery. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the proposal as written. Motion Carried.
Lawn Mowing of Town Properties
Nothing has been received from Kent Paulson on handling the mowing for the Town of Bennett.
Closing of the Line Road and Upgrading Bennett and Klang Roads
The board discussed putting 4” gravel on the Line, Bennett and Klang Roads which would be about 2 ½ miles. They discussed whether they should include black top in the estimate and what would need to be done before blacktop could be installed. Tim will continue to work with Bruce on getting estimates for this project. This will be discussed again at the October Board meeting.
Town Hall Upkeep & Repairs
The snow bars for the town hall roof were approved in the proposal from CMC Construction under Highway Department Roof repairs.
Tax Collection Contract with Douglas County: Wes moved to accept the 2022-23 & 2023-24 Tax Collection Contract with Douglas County. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
DNR Road Aids Application: Bruce contacted Daniel Kephart regarding the DNR Road Aids application. Daniel Kephart recommended that the town consider Turkey Farm as it is surrounded by state land. Bruce recommended that the town do the work as the Municipal Cost contribution and put in for gravel. The Applications are due by late fall and the state will award the aid in 2023.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to go ahead with the application for DNR Road Aids. Motion Carried.
Set Date for Budget Workshop: Budget Workshop will be held Monday, October 17, 2022, at 6 p.m.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment:
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 9:05 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
August 19, 2022
The Special Town Meeting was held at the Bennett Town Hall on Tuesday, August 19, 2022, at 6 p.m. Town Officers in attendance: Bennett--Barry Carlson, Chair, Wesley Koehler, and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Hawthorne—Guy Clemmer, Supervisor. There were also several residents from both towns in attendance.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Bennett Town Hall, Bennett Recycle Center, and the Bennett Town Website on May 31, 2022, and were published in the Superior Telegram on June 3, 2022, June 17, 2022, and June 20, 2022.
Chairman, Barry Carlson, opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6 p.m.
Anna Davey, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, NW & NC Region Rail Coordinator, introduced herself and explained that OCR met with the boards from Bennett and Hawthorne and looked at both the Bennett Road and the Line Road Crossings. They requested closing one of the crossings. If the town boards voluntarily close the crossing the railroad will make an offer based on the estimates it receives from both towns for the cost of the closing. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation will match the offer up to $30,000, which will be split between Bennett and Hawthorne. The $30,000 from the DOT is required to be used for transportation safety. If the town boards do not decide to close a crossing the OCR will decide if they will force the closure and then the towns will not receive any funding for the closure. At the May 24, 2022, the town board of Bennett determined that they would pursue the closure of the Line Road crossing so that the funds would be provided for the closing. Anna also stated that OCR is looking at putting lights and arms on the Bennett Road crossing if the Line Road is closed but that wouldn’t be until at least 2025.
Anna Davey also fielded questions from the residents in attendance regarding crossing arms, lights, stop signs, increased traffic on other roads, upgrading the other roads that will now get more traffic. There were many serious concerns regarding access to property especially in the spring and for emergency vehicles.
Sue Ahlberg stated that the closure would block access to her field. Anna suggested that the board include an estimate to put in an access driveway with a culvert.
Anna stated that the town and the railroad should be keeping the vision triangles clear. She felt that if the town voted no on the closing and was keeping the vision triangle clear it could go to their benefit if OCR looks at forcing closure. The road crew stated that the railroad does not allow them to brush the vision triangle. Anna will email CN that the vision triangle needs to be brushed. She said that the town has the right to access the property to brush.
Several residents of Hawthorne and Bennett stated that they were opposed to closing the road and especially opposed if the Town Hall Road, Klang Road and Bennett Roads are not improved to handle more traffic.
The consensus of the board members was they would get estimates to improve Town Line Road (Hawthorne) and Bennett and Klang Roads (Bennett) including considering black top. Anna suggested that they also request a Hydrology Study if necessary. Once the estimates have been submitted to the railroad and the towns receive an offer back from the railroad, the town boards will hold board meetings to determine if they will accept the offer and pursue closing the Line Road.
Anna suggested that if the railroad requests permission to expand in the future, the towns should request that they install lights and crossing arms at that time. She will help the town if that comes up.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
August 19, 2022
The Special Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Tuesday, August 19, 2022, following the Special Town Meeting. Officers in attendance were Barry Carlson, Chair, Wesley Koehler, and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on August 18, 2022.
Wes Koehler moved to postpone the passing of the resolution to until the board receives all the information available including estimates for closure of the Line Road and road improvements on Klang and Bennett Roads and until the offer from the railroad has been received. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
August 08, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, August 8, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on August 1, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the July 11, 2022, board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Timothy, to pay the bills, checks #18822-18858, ACH payroll dated 7/21/22 & 8/4/22 and August automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the July 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $45,615.38, Money Market was $104,088.79, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.47. The accounts balanced with the bank as of July 31, 2022. Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Fire Chief, Travis Theien reported that they had 4 medical calls. CPR Refresher course scheduled for August 9, 2022. Waiting on the lighting contractor. They are working on proposed by-laws for the fire department and will forward a copy to the board when finished.
Sponsored an Open House in correspondence with the National Night Out. Plan to have it as an annual event.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: The clerk read the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield gave the constable report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Glenn Khalar had nothing to report this month.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley followed up with Troy Nelson. He tried to contact someone from the town and didn’t get through. Wes will meet with Troy to look at the garage roof this week.
Contract to Clear Trees at Cemetery—Terry Priem
Terry provided a written contract but the board would like to talk with him before signing. Barry Carlson will contact Terry.
Lawn Mowing of Town Properties
Timothy will follow up with Kent from Superior Landscaping and the Road Crew about what needs to be mowed. Wes suggested having him give a price that includes mowing the cemeteries.
Closing of Line Road and Upgrading Bennett & Klang Roads:
Timothy will work with Bruce Sutherland on what to include in the estimates to be submitted to the Railroad for closing and upgrading roads. Sue Ahlberg will stake her access spot to her field so that can be included in the estimate.
Resolution to Install Stop Signs at Railroad Crossing on Bennett Road
Wesley moved to adopt Resolution TB-2022-04-R to install stop signs on the Bennett Road and the Line Road railroad crossings. Seconded by Timothy. Motion Carried.
Town Hall Upkeep & Repairs
The board had discussed putting more concrete between the new sidewalk and the town hall but decided that it was not necessary.
Start Preparing for 2023 Budget Items: Just a reminder from the clerk to start thinking about the 2023 budget.
2002 International Truck Repair: The truck had an issue which was determined to be a warranty issue from the earlier repair. After a month of sitting up at the shop it is ready to be picked up tomorrow, August 9, 2022.
2021 F550 Repair: The F550 had a wiring issue which was repaired at Link Brothers in Minong. It was determined that the problem was caused by the installer of the plow. The clerk will forward the bill to Kunes Chevrolet.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Josh Huray, Rural Insurance, will be our new insurance agent as Al Schiefelbein has retired. Al will continue to help Josh in the transition.
Public Comment:
Rick Hartzell recommends that the town budget to purchase a pressure washer for the town garage.
He also asked when the F350 would be put up for sale. The board said that it wouldn’t be for sale until the F550 comes back from getting the spreader installed. They expect that to be another 6 months.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Timothy moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Wesley. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
June 13, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, June 13, 2022, and was called to order by Supervisor, Wesley Koehler, with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Timothy Haskins, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk, and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer Absent: Barry Carlson, Chairman.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on June 6, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the May 9, 2022, board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the May 24, 2022, Special Town Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley, to pay the bills, checks #18738-#18783, ACH payroll dated 5/26/22, 6/9/22 and June automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the May 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $26,103.53, Money Market was $149,062.65, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.46. The accounts balanced with the bank as of May 31, 2022. Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Travis Theien reported that they had 3 fire calls, 3 medical calls, and 1 call mutual aid call to Solon Springs in May. He reported that the garage doors have been repaired. They are looking into getting the lights replaced in July and looking at new equipment.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: No contract available from Terry Priem yet. Glenn hit a date plate at the cemetery with the mower. He gave it to the Solon Springs Funeral Home.
Ryan & Audrianna Granlund—Zone Change Forestry (F-1) to Agriculture (A-1): The board had no problem with the zone change. Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to approve the Granlund’s zone change. Motion Carried.
Highway Department Roof Repairs—Bid Opening: No bids were received. The town board will need to seek out a roofing contractor. Rick Hartzell mentioned Four Star as a possibility.
Liquor Licenses: Timothy moved to approve the liquor licenses for CCZ Campgrounds, Inc. (Wasko’s Campground Plus), Sidelines of Bennett (Sidelines Bar, Bait & Resort) and Tonkawa Inc. (Minnesuing Acres). Seconded by Wesley. Motion Carried.
Cigarette Licenses: Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley, to approve the cigarette licenses for CCZ Campgrounds, Inc. and Sidelines of Bennett, Inc. Motion Carried.
Operator Licenses: Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to approve Operator Licenses for: Mary Viets, Sandra OMeara, Anthony Solin, Mary Wesolowski, Jean Welle, Wendy Hicks, Sondra Zeman, Elizabeth Schorik, Jacob Zoltak, Peter Leone, Steven Beidel, Jr., Richard Severin and Lindsey Wilson. Motion Carried.
Contract to Clear Trees at Cemetery—Terry Priem: Postponed to July Board meeting.
Purchase Weed Whacker: Moved by Timothy, seconded by Wesley to approve the purchase of a gas-powered weed whacker from East End Hardware for $437.94. Motion Carried.
Lawn Mowing of Town Properties: Glenn Khalar mows the cemeteries but no longer mows the town hall or town garage properties. The board discussed options for mowing: hiring another person to mow, contracting with a lawn care company to handle all the mowing for the town, etc. Problems with hiring a third party to mow would involve logistics of getting mower moved around with town truck and scheduling use of mower between cemetery mower and the other mower. Benefits of a lawn care service is no need to purchase a new mower.
The board discussed having the road crew mow but the employees feel that takes too much time from the summer projects that they need to get done.
Alec Fowler, town employee, volunteered to mow on Fridays, his day off, at a reduced rate. The clerk questioned whether the town may pay a union employee at a reduced rate. The board would like Alec to check with the union representative regarding this.
Fenders/Lighting for F550 Truck: Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler presented getting lighting for the box of the F550 and fenders installed when the truck goes in to get the box sander installed. There is $5400 left in the budget from the purchase of the truck. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve the purchase of fenders and lighting for the F550. Motion Carried.
Cutting Edges for the Grader: Bruce and Alec would like to try a new cutting edge for the grader with a serrated edge and honeycomb design. They would use some of the culvert budget for the cost that is over the budget for cutting edges. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to purchase the new cutting edges. Motion Carried.
Deputy Town Clerk: Clerk Tamara Johnson asked the board to approve the appointment of Morgan Fowler as Deputy Town Clerk. Wes moved to approve that Morgan Fowler be appointed Deputy Clerk, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Resolution to Install Stop Signs at Railroad Crossing on Bennett Road: Postponed until July Board meeting.
Add Town Name to Future Signs: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to add the name of the Town to future address/fire number signs. Motion Carried.
Town Hall Upkeep & Repairs:
Items to be considered: snow bars, roof leak, kitchen stove pilot light, painting town hall, water heater leak in valve, extend width of sidewalk on east side of town hall to the building.
No action taken.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment:
Glenn Khalar mentioned that the clerk’s office needs a chair pad under the desk to cover the broken floor tiles.
He commented that Cheryl said there haven’t been any mice since the remodel of the shed and he said that the shed stays warmer.
He also asked about a town recycle day. The board said they would consider a recycle day for the 2023 Budget.
Rick Hartzell asked about the scrap pile at the town garage. Bruce responded that it will cost the town to dispose of the items and that wasn’t budgeted this year.
Who do you call when a tree is down on the road? Answer: Town Chair or 911
He has someone who is interested in purchasing the F350 and wondered if the plow would be included in the sale? Answer: Yes, plow will be included when it is put up for sale after the F550 returns from getting sanding box, lights and fenders installed.
He also asked how old the water heater is that needs repair. Answer: Water heater is only a couple years old and it is just a fitting that needs to be repaired.
Bruce Sutherland commented that the new garage door opener was installed incorrectly and the track bows when the door is opening. He has a call in to Brule River Garage to see if they will come back and fix it. He would also like to install an antenna for the opener.
Travis Theien asked if the boundaries of the right-of-way for the Line Road Closing has already been determined or if they could be changed? Wes thought they could be adjusted.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 19, 2023
PURPOSE: Hold Interviews for Operator Job Opening
Brett Hunter called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Those in attendance included: Brett Hunter, Chair, Wes Koehler, Supervisor, Timothy Haskins, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Tim Haskins moved to go into Closed Session to hold job interviews according to Wis. Stat. Sec. 19.85(1)(c). Seconded by Wesley Koehler. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Closed Session: Held interviews with 3 candidates and discussed which candidate would be the best selection for the Town at this time.
Moved by Brett Hunter, seconded by Wesley Koehler to go back to Open Session as posted in the agenda. Motion Carried.
Open Session: Wesley Koehler moved to hire Cody Peterson for the town operator position. Seconded by Brett Hunter. Motion Carried with 2 yea, 1 nay.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Tim moved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Seconded by Brett. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
May 24, 2022
The Special Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, May 24, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. It was scheduled as a joint meeting with the Town of Hawthorne. Officers in attendance were Barry Carlson, Chair, Wesley Koehler, and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Anna Davey, Wis. Dept. of Transportation, NW & NC Region Rail Coordinator was also in attendance. The Town of Hawthorne Board did not attend.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on May 16, 2022, and it was also emailed to the Town of Hawthorne.
Anna Davey explained the process for closing the Line Road. The Railroad will pay the cost of closing the road, establishing ditches, barricades, signs, etc. They will also give the towns an Incentive Payment. The state will match the payment from the Railroad up to $30,000. The money the towns receive from the state must be used for Transportation Safety Measures. Anna was asked if that would include paying for highway equipment. She will check to see if that is an acceptable use of the funds and let us know. Anna was also asked about upgrading the Town Line Road as it will now need to be used more and it floods in the spring. She recommended that Hawthorne get an estimate to upgrade that route and submit it the Railroad along with the estimate for closing the Line Road.
The Town of Bennett will consider closing the Line Road from County Road E to the Railroad crossing. The proper closing measures with ditching would still need to be done. The property would then revert to the adjoining landowners and their deeds would need to be updated.
The next step is for Bennett and Hawthorne to hold a “Public Information Meeting”. Preferably a joint meeting so that Anna Davey can attend to explain the closing to the public. The meeting notice must be published 45 days in advance of the meeting. Certified letters with the meeting notice must also be mailed to the landowners on the section of the Line Road affected by the closure.
Anna directed to board to speak with Jason Jackman, Douglas County Highway Department, about getting an estimate to close the roads to submit to the railroad. Bruce Sutherland will talk to Jason Jackman.
Anna Davey will email sample meeting notices and sample letters that the clerks can use to prepare the necessary postings/mailings.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
May 9, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, May 9, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer Absent: Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Timothy Haskins, Supervisor
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on May 3, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the April 11, 2022 board meeting were read by the treasurer. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18707-18737, ACH payroll dated 4/30/22 & 5/12/22 and May automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the April 30, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $16,776.56, Money Market was $149,048.08, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.45. The accounts balanced with the bank as of April 30, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien reported that they had 6 medical calls, and 1 call with no response from Bennett in April. He reported that Engine 2 needs work, they are working to get the fire hall garage doors repaired. DNR has a foam study ongoing to see if it should be replaced.
Highway Department: Bruce gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield reported on his activities. He had one call on April 20 of 2 dogs on County Road L.
Railroad Investigation—Crossings in Bennett: The board will meet with the Railroad at the crossings tomorrow at 8 a.m.
ARPA Funds Grant: Report filed.
Broadband Grant: Nothing new to report
Cemetery: Bruce talked to Terry Priem about cutting the pulp. He will get a written quote.
Highway Department Roof Repairs—Bid Opening: No bids were received. Board asked clerk to publish the bid notice in the Superior Telegram for opening at the June 13 Board meeting.
Town Hall Upkeep & Repairs:
Board needs to look at installing snow bars and fixing the leak in the roof.
The pilot on the kitchen stove keeps going out.
Glenn has replaced the hall lights with new lights. He has ordered 2 more to finish installation.
Tim will have the plumber look at the water heater as it has a small hole in it.
Wes will talk to Tim about getting concrete installed between the sidewalk and the town hall to prevent leaking and mowing there.
Budget Amendment: Nothing needed
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment: Rick Hartzell asked about the new F-550 and if the old F-350 would be sold. He also wondered if anything had been done with the elevator.
Glenn is researching a riding lawn mower that he would like put in the budget for next year.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Seconded by Wes.. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
Minutes taken by Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer
April 11, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, April 11, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, and Timothy Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on April 4, 2022.
PRESENTATION: Chelsey Thompson, Dementia Care Specialist
Douglas County Aging & Disabilities Resource Center
MINUTES: The minutes of the March 14, 2022 board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #18661-18706, ACH payroll dated 3/31/22, 4/14/22 and March automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the March 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $12,086.88, Money Market was $154,232.88, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.44. The accounts balanced with the bank as of March 31, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien reported that they had 1 fire, 9 medical calls, 2 mutual aid and 1 call with no response from Bennett in March. He reported that Engine 2 needs work, they are working to get the fire hall garage doors repaired, working on bylaws and drafting a letter to the railroad regarding the discussion of the railroad crossings in Bennett. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the fire department report as presented.
Highway Department: Bruce gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield reported on his activities. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Mark Liebaert came and updated the board on County activities. April 12 is Warrant Resolution Day. The County Board will be passing the matching broadband grant monies. There is discussion of a purchase of the carbon footprint of the County Forests. They are looking carefully at the purchase which would be $30 million but want to make sure of repercussions as it is a 40-year contract.
Resolution re: Proposed Amendment to Douglas County Zoning Ordinance 8.0: Moved by Wesley Koehler, seconded by Barry Carlson to approve the resolution (TB-2022-03-R) as presented by Douglas County. Motion Carried.
Highway Department Roof Repairs: Wesley Koehler moved to engage a contractor to inspect with the potential to repair the garage roof. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Wesley and Tim will write-up the ad for a roofing contractor.
Town Hall Gutters & Entry Way Repairs: There was discussion that rather than put in gutters the board should consider just putting in snow bars on the roof and then filling in the front of the hall between the sidewalk and the building with concrete to divert the water away from the building.
The board will consider this next month along with other repairs needed to the town hall exterior.
Railroad Investigation—Crossings in Bennett: The railroad is looking at the crossings in Bennett. No new information provided.
ARPA Funds Grant: Nothing new to report
Broadband Grant: Nothing new to report
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): Bruce, Alec and Tammy looked a little further into these grants and they seem out of our reach as they require such a large investment in engineering before the project would even be considered for a grant. Mark Liebaert confirmed that these grants are given to those larger communities that employ engineers to write up the project and the grant. He would like to see Douglas County hire an engineer that could help out the Towns with projects and apply for the grants.
Budget Amendment: Wes moved to approve Resolution TB-2022-02-R to amend the budget. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment: Nothing brought up
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
March 14, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, March 14, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Absent: Tim Haskins, Supervisor.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on March 7, 2022 and a revised agenda was posted on March 9, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the February 14, 2022 board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18620-18660, ACH payroll dated 3/3/22, 3/17/22 and February automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the February 28, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $17,853.18, Money Market was $169,217.38, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.43. The accounts balanced with the bank as of February 28, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien reported that they had 6 medical calls, 1 fire (2 were mutual aid) in February. Travis was voted in as Fire chief to be effective April 1, 2022.
Highway Department: Bruce gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: No action in February.
Appointment of Fire Department Officers: On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department voted in Travis Theien as Fire Chief to be effective April 1, 2022.
Wesley moved to approve the appointment of Travis Theien as Fire Chief to begin April 1, 2022. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
ARPA Funds Grant:
After discussion, moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry, to set aside the ARPA Grant funds of $63,219 for the purchase of a Fire/Rescue Truck. Motion Carried.
Broadband Grant: After discussion, Wesley moved to budget $15,000 in the 2023 Budget toward the application for a broadband grant in conjunction with Solon Springs ($20,000) and Gordon ($15,000) along with a matching grant from Douglas County. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
2021 Ford F-550 Truck Purchase: Wesley Koehler moved to approve the Resolution (TB-2022-01R) laying out the loan agreement with National Bank of Commerce to purchase the 2021 Ford F-550. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL): The clerk presented the board with information provided from the state and the Wisconsin Town’s Association on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) which may be available for town infrastructure projects. No action taken.
April Board Meeting Date/Annual Meeting Date: The April Town Board meeting will be held on the second Monday (April 11) as usual. The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
Budget Amendment: N/A
Correspondence: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Travis Theien asked the board about passing an ordinance to allow yearly fire inspections rather than every 6 months. The Clerk will email the Town’s Association to see if they have a sample ordinance.
Bruce Sutherland asked about getting permits set-up for logging operations so that the contact information is available in case of trouble with road damage.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
February 14, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, February 14, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Tim Haskins, Supervisor, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Constable, Jay Burfield, Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender and town employees, Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler were also in attendance. Absent: Wes Koehler, Supervisor.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on February 7, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the January 11, 2022 board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18567-1856119, ACH payroll dated 1/20/22, 2/3/22 and 2/17/22 and January automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the January 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $39,208.56, Money Market was $370,472.36, ARPA Grant Funds--$370,472.36 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.43. The accounts balanced with the bank as of January 31, 2022. Moved by Tim, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender gave a verbal fire department report. There were 4 medical calls in January.
Highway Department: Bruce reported that the 2002 International Dump Truck had a cracked head and should be repaired this week. Terry Priem will look at the trees that need to be cleared at the Bennett Cemetery and will give a price to remove stumps. He thinks we may need to have the DNR look at it before cutting.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield’s report was read by the clerk. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
- Highway Equipment Repair/Replacement
- 2006 Ford 350—Waiting on the paperwork for the 2021 F-550 that will replace the 2006 Ford F-350.
- 2002 International Dump Truck—At Midstate for repairs to the cracked head. Cost will be approximately $14,000.
- ARPA Funds Grant—Board will need to make motion at March meeting for use of the grant funds.
- Log Surveyed Area of Bennett Cemetery on County Road L—Terry Priem will look at it and let the board know what the cost will be. May need to have DNR look at it too.
Ditching Bucket Purchase: Bruce presented a quote for a Ditching Bucket.
Tim Haskins moved that the to purchase the Ditching Bucket for $5,652 from FABICK CAT. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendment: N/A
Correspondence: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: None
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
November 14, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson on Monday, November 14, 2022, immediately following the Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting which started at 7 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wesley Koehler, Supervisor, Tamara Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer. Absent: Timothy Haskins, Supervisor.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on November 7, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the October 10 Special Board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the October 10 Regular Board meeting were read by the clerk and corrected by removing a redundant paragraph. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as corrected. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the October 17 Special Board and Budget Workshop meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wesley, seconded by Barry, to pay the bills, checks #18943-18992, ACH payroll dated 10/27/22 and 11/10/22 and November automatic withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) and Nationwide 457B plan payments. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer, gave the October financial report. The
October 31, 2022, balance of the Checking Account was $9,192.22, Money Market was $136,866.69, ARPA Grant Funds--$63,219.80 and ICS Account had a balance of $4,389.44. The accounts balanced with the bank as of October 31, 2022. Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Ann Theien gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Bruce Sutherland gave the highway department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield gave the constable report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Glenn Khalar gave the cemetery report, it is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Department Roof Repairs
Wesley will contact Troy Nelson, CMC Construction, Inc. to see when they plan to do the repairs on the town garage. The storage building and town hall roofs have been completed.
Closing of Line Road and Upgrading Bennett & Klang Roads
Stop Signs have been installed on both the Bennett Road and Line Road crossings.
DNR Road Aids Application
The application has been submitted to the Department of Natural Resources.
Well Pump Repair/Replacement at Town Garage:
The pump has been repaired by Willie Silvernail.
Sign Union Contract:
Wesley Koehler and Barry Carlson signed the contract as approved at contract negotiations.
Zone Change: F-1 Forestry to A-1 Agriculture—Emily Kalnicky: Wesley moved to approve the zone change for Emily Kalnicky from F-1 to A-1. Barry seconded. Motion carried.
Zone Change: F-1 Forestry to RR-1 Agriculture—Robert & Jennifer Rushing: Wesley moved to approve the zone change for Robert & Jennifer Rushing from F-1 to RR-1. Barry seconded. Motion carried.
Adopt the 2023 Budget: Moved by Wes, seconded by Barry, to adopt the 2023 Budget for the Town of Bennett. Motion Carried.
Cemetery Sexton and Lawn Mowing Replacements: The board postponed discussion of replacements for sexton and lawn mowing until the December 2022 board meeting.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Correspondence: Nothing
Public Comment: Nothing
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business, Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
Monday, February 7, 2022 at 7 p.m.
at the Bennett Town Hall
Barry Carlson called the Special Town Board meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
- Discuss Purchasing a New Dually Truck
Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler have researched and found a truck to replace the F-350 Dually. The information on the truck was presented to the board.
After some discussion, Wes Koehler moved to purchase the 2021 Ford F-550 from Kunes Auto Group, Delavan, Wisconsin for the purchase price of $119,185.50 plus finance closing costs and/or finance fees. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Moved by Wes Koehler, Seconded by Tim Haskins to have the truck delivered to the town shop by Kunes Auto Group. Motion Carried unanimously.
- Discuss Financing the Purchase of a New Dually Truck
Wes Koehler moved to borrow the purchase price of $119,185.50 plus the associated finance/closing costs from National Bank of Commerce. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried unanimously.
Wes Koehler moved to appoint Barry M. Carlson, Chair, Tamara L. Johnson, Clerk and Stephanie L. Lintula, Treasurer as authorized signers for the loan papers. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Moved by Tim Haskins, seconded by Wes Koehler to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
January 10, 2022
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, January 10, 2022, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Constable, Jay Burfield, Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender and town employees, Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler were also in attendance along with a few town residents.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on January 3, 2022 and a Revised Agenda was posted on January 7, 2022.
MINUTES: The minutes of the December 13 board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #18525-18566, ACH payroll dated 11/11/21, 11/24/21 & 12/11/21 and December automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the December 31, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $11,545.89, Money Market was $74,018.34, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.42. The accounts balanced with the bank as of December 31, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender gave a written fire department report summarizing 2021. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Department: Bruce gave a report on roads and equipment. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield gave his report for December 2021. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Highway Equipment Repair/Replacement: Bruce asked the board if he and Alec should research a dually and dump truck for purchase. There is a 36-week backlog on the dually and a approximately a 2 ½ year back log on the purchase of new dump trucks.
Tim Haskins moved that the Highway Department start searching for a dually and a dump truck for the board to purchase. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Budget Amendment: Wes moved approve the Budget Amendment to carry-over $13,000 from the 2021 Gravel Budget to the 2022 Gravel Budget. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Clear Trees at Bennett Cemetery: Terry Priem had indicated to Bruce that he thought he could clear the newly surveyed part of the Bennett Cemetery for the wood. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim that Bruce contact Terry Priem about clearing the stumpage in the Bennett Cemetery. Motion Carried.
ARPA Funds: The clerk updated the board that there has been a final decision from the U.S. Department of the Treasury on uses for the ARPA Grant we have received. The Wisconsin Town’s Association has indicated that those funds may now be used for provision of government services. This would include the purchase of a rescue truck as the board has discussed in the past.
Mark Stensvold also stated that the Grant he was working with Astrea to provide broadband service in Bennett was denied. He recommended that the board commit to a larger contribution and seek a matching contribution from Douglas County.
Correspondence: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment:
Both Jay Burfield and Travis Theien asked the board to continue to seek better internet for Bennett and support the Astrea Project. More people working from home and students on the internet has shown the need. They stated that the real estate market will be affected by the lack of internet speed.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
December 13, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, December 13, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. The Sexton, Glenn Khalar, Constable, Jay Burfield, Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender and town employees, Bruce Sutherland and Alec Fowler were also in attendance.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, December 6, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the November 8 Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting and the monthly board meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #18485-18524, ACH payroll dated 11/11/21, 11/24/21 & 12/11/21 and December automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the November 30, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $38,690.60, Money Market was $73,560.78, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.41. The accounts balanced with the bank as of November 30, 2021. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender gave a verbal fire department report. There were 7 runs in November. The Fire Department would like to wait until March to appoint a new fire chief. Dave Dittbrender will serve as Interim Fire Chief until March. Dave attended training on Fire Inspections.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield submitted his report which was read by the clerk. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Approve Resolution to Accept Road Aid from DNR: Tim moved to approve the resolution to accept road aid from the DNR. Seconded Wes. M/C
Resolution to Approve Douglas County Zoning Changes to Zoning Ordinance 8.0: Wes moved to not approve the resolution at this time due to lack of willingness to have a representative come and inform the board of the changes. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Conditional-Use Permit: Hobby Farm—Ryan & Michelle Shold: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve the conditional-use permit for Ryan & Michelle Shold. Motion Carried.
Appoint Election Inspectors: Wes moved to approve the list of election inspectors provided by the clerk: Cathy Swanson, Chief Inspector, Bernadette Hohl, Stephanie Lintula, Sherry Staffrude, Ruth Kelleher and alternates: Sandy Nelson and Aleah Kelleher. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Joint Powers Agreement: Wes moved to approve the Joint Powers 911 Agreement. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Correspondence: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment:
Bruce and Alec updated the board on work done on the 2002 International Truck. They informed the board that it is time to consider replacing the 2002 truck in the next couple years. They had other recommendations that they would like the board to take into consideration: IUOE Grader Training, Grader Shark Blade System, Dually truck has issues and needs to be replaced.
Dave Dittbrender –Flea market will be the last weekend of June. The fire department would like to reserve the hall for the whole week.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 9 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
November 08, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, November 8, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson following the Budget Hearing and Special Town Meeting with a short break for cake and coffee to celebrate with Dennis Kelleher on his retirement after 29 years working for the Town of Bennett. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, November 1, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the October 11 Special Board Meeting and Union Negotiations, October 11 Monthly Board Meeting, October 18 Special Board Meeting and Budget Workshop, and the October 23 Special Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #18443-18484, ACH payroll dated 10/28/21 and November automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the October 31, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $4,032.77, Money Market was $108,551.93, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.40. The accounts balanced with the bank as of October 31, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Dave Dittbrender gave a verbal fire department report. October was a quiet month with only one medical call.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield submitted his report which was read by the clerk. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Sign Union Contract agreed upon October 11, 2021: The board signed the contract.
Discuss Fire Chief Position/Compensation: Although this is a very difficult situation, Wes Koehler moved that due to health issues from his accident, causing Tom Avis to be unable to fulfill his duties as Fire Chief, the board will replace Tom with a different Fire Chief for the time being. If Tom is willing and able to return as fire chief, the board would be happy to reinstate him as fire chief. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
The month of December fire chief pay will go to Dave Dittbrender who is currently acting as Interim Fire Chief. The BVFD will bring a recommendation to the Board at the January 2022 meeting for Fire Chief appointment.
Deferred Compensation Plan—Nationwide Retirement Services: Newly hired employee, Alec Fowler, requested that the board make this 457(b) Deferred Compensation plan available to employees. He has it at his previous job with the Douglas County Highway Department and would like to continue it. There is no cost to the town. Payments are made by payroll deduction.
Moved by Tim Haskins, Seconded by Wes Koehler to implement this program. Motion Carried.
Approve 2022 Town Budget: Moved by Wes Koehler to adopt the 2022 Summary Town Budget. Seconded by Tim Haskins. Motion Carried.
Correspondence: Nothing
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment:
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:37 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
October 11, 2021
The Special Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Members in attendance were: Barry Carlson, Chair, Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors and Tamara Johnson, Clerk, along with Bruce Sutherland and Union Representatives.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, October 4, 2021.
Changes to the current contract proposed by the Union for 2022 include:
- 2022 Health Insurance will increase $17.66 per month per employee for a monthly premium of $1923.96 per employee.
- Adding Juneteenth (June 19) to the paid Holidays.
- Adding language for Foreman or Lead Operator for Bruce Sutherland with an increase to $25/hour for that position.
- After some discussion, the Union representatives proposed that the Equipment Operator wage remain at $23.08/hour.
The town board agreed to 1, 3 & 4 but did not agree to adding any other holidays. Casey Aronson, IUOE Local 139 will prepare the contracts and mail them out for signatures.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
September 13, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, September 13, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the August 9 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #18373-18407, ACH payroll dated 8/19/21, 9/2/21 & 9/16/21 and September automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the August 30, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $11,242.12, Money Market was $138,528.74, ARPA Grant Funds--$31,609.90 and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.38. The accounts balanced with the bank as of August 31, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Travis Theien gave a verbal fire department report in the absence of Chief Tom Avis. He gave the clerk copies of the Unsigned bylaws and fire department ordinance dated 1958 but unsigned.
CONSTABLE: The constable’s report was read by the clerk in his absence. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar, reported on cemetery activities for August. His report is attached to these minutes.
Town Hall Holding Tank: Tim reported that the holding tank has been repaired. The plumber is working on the paperwork with Douglas County.
Recycle Shed Repair/Update: The window for the shed has come in so Glenn hopes to install the window and complete the siding soon.
Town Garage Electrical Issues: The furnace is in but waiting for electrician to come. Bruce will check with him about getting it done soon.
Broadband Grant—ARPA Funds: Nothing new to report.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Nothing new to report.
Set Job Description/Posting to Hire Employee for the Highway Department: The board decided to meet on Monday, September 20, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. to set the job description and posting for the new town employee.
Purchase Metal Detector--Cemetery: Moved by Barry, seconded by Wes to approve the purchase of the metal detector requested by Sexton Glenn Khalar. Motion Carried.
Stone Chimney Road 50/50 Split Agreement with Town of Solon Springs: Wes moved to approve the agreement, seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Town Hall Rain Gutters: Chairman Barry Carlson would like to get gutters installed on the town hall. Rick Hartzell recommended the town put a notice with a Request for Proposal in the paper for 4” Steel Rain Gutters for the Town Hall. Clerk will put the notice in the paper and post it.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Correspondence: No action taken
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Discussion of table carts needed to store the tables downstairs.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
August 9, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, August 9, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Tim Haskins at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes, Supervisor, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. Absent: Chairman Barry Carlson. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, August 2, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the July 12 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #18341-18372, ACH payroll dated 7/17/21 & 8/5/21 and August automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the July 31, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $17,047.72, Money Market was $64,593.06, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.37. The accounts balanced with the bank as of July 31, 2021. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Interim Fire Chief, Travis Theien gave the fire department report in the absence of Chief Tom Avis.
CONSTABLE: Constable Jay Burfield gave his report on activities for the last 2 months. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar reported on cemetery activities for July. His report is attached to these minutes. He informed the board that the cemetery metal detector no longer works. Bruce mentioned that he has not heard back from Bill Anderson, Cornerstone Surveying about getting the cemetery surveyed. Tim Haskins will get in touch with Bill to see about getting the survey started.
Town Hall Holding Tank: Discussed project and date to be scheduled with plumber in August. Tim will set-up the project.
Recycle Shed Repair/Update: Glenn has been working on the shed and hopes to complete it soon.
Town Garage Electrical Issues: The furnace was installed by Bill Wasko and the electrician will come in the next couple weeks to fix the electrical issues and hook up the furnace.
Broadband Grant—ARPA Funds: Mark Stensvold drafted the letter of intent for the board and it has been signed by Barry Carlson and sent to Astrea for the grant application.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Tamara Johnson shared that it appears that the town board may transfer the funds to the Friends of the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department. They would be considered a subrecipient and expected to comply with all subrecipient reporting requirements. The final decision on uses is still pending and should be finalized soon.
Discuss Hiring Employee for the Highway Department: The board discussed some of the particulars that need to be decided before posting the job opening: full-time/part-time, town residents/non-residents, etc. They will also look into getting a job description written up. They plan to get this posted after the September Board meeting.
Scheduling Town Hall Use: Clerk Tamara Johnson will be handling the reservations of the town hall. She asked for clarification from the board on weekly long-term use from residents. The board felt that it was fine to allow a resident(s) to use the hall on a long-term basis with the understanding that if someone else needs the hall for a funeral/shower/wedding etc. they would have to give up use for the day as needed.
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Correspondence: No action taken
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: It was noted by a town resident that the town hall siding is peeling and in need of paint.
Bruce mentioned that there are roof leaks at the garage and pole building that should be addressed. He also mentioned that there is a fence on the end of the Messany Road which prevents the plow from turning around, options will need to be figured out before snow falls.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8:54 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
July 12, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, July 12, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the June 14 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes, to pay the bills, checks #18305-18340, ACH payroll dated 6/21/21 & 7/8/21 and July automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
The board directed the clerk to hold payment to Solon Concrete until DNR approves the Culvert Project on Bennett Road.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the June 30, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $13,556.17, Money Market was $79,588.59, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.36. The accounts balanced with the bank as of June 30, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Travis Theien gave the fire department report in the absence of Chief Tom Avis. Travis will act as Interim Fire Chief until Tom Avis can return, or until October when Dave Dittbrender will act as Interim Fire Chief for October, November, December.
Travis reported that the 2021 Flea Market was a success and matched the 2019 results.
CONSTABLE: The constable sent his report via email to the clerk. The report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar had nothing to report for June.
Town Hall Holding Tank: Discussed project and date to be scheduled with plumber in August. Tim will set-up the project.
Recycle Shed Repair/Update: Glenn will start the recycle shed repair soon using brown metal siding.
Town Garage Electrical Issues: Nothing
Broadband Grant—ARPA Funds: Mark Stensvold has been researching how to apply for a broadband grant with Astrea who has also been working with the Town of Solon Springs and Town of Gordon. He explained the project and asked for a financial commitment of $1500 from the board. He also needs a letter from the chair, which he is willing to draft.
Wes moved to have Mark Stensvold pursue the grant with Astrea with a $1500 commitment on the town’s part. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Mark will draft the letter and email to the clerk for a signature.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): The clerk updated the board on the ARPA funds. One-half has been received with the other half to follow in 2022. The board discussed ways to use the money and one suggestion was to check into the Friends of the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department as a non-profit. They were not able to hold the 2020 spaghetti supper or Flea Market to raise the usual funds so the town may be able to get the ARPA funds to them to help purchase the new Rescue Truck.
Bennett Volunteer Fire Department:
This was discussed under the BVFD report: Travis Theien will be interim chief with Dave Dittbrender filling in for October/November/December if necessary, until Tom Avis can return.
UDC Permit Submission Process Change—Rob Lietha, Inspector: Nothing
Budget Amendment: None
Budget Amendments: Nothing
Correspondence: No action taken
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Tim Haskins updated that the Bennett Road Culvert Project has been completed. He asked the clerk to hold the check for Solon Springs Concrete until the project has been approved by the DNR.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
June 14, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, June 14, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, June 7, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the May 10 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #18256-18306, ACH payroll dated 6/10/21 and June automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
Moved by Wes to approve payment of the invoice from Core Advantage for $1,002.00 for disposal of tires and payment of dumpster. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the May 31, 2021, balance of the Checking Account was $24,599.08, Money Market was $99,585.25, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.35. The accounts balanced with the bank as of May 31, 2021. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Tom reported on fire department activities. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: The constable gave his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar reported on the cemetery. His report is attached to the original of these minutes. He also commented that some of the tiles in the Women’s restroom are coming up after getting wet when the water backed up into the basement.
Town Hall Holding Tank: Tim Haskins reported that the tank needs to be dug up and repaired sometime after the Flea Market, possibly in August.
Recycle Shed Repair/Update: Tim reported that it will cost approximately $1,400 to buy painted tin for the roof and siding of the recycle shed. The board asked Glenn Khalar to look into doing the repairs on the shed.
Town Garage Electrical Issues: Nothing more will be done until after the Flea market.
Class “B” Beer & Class “B” Liquor License Applications:
Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve the Class “B” Beer & Class “B” Liquor Licenses for both Sidelines of Bennett and Minnesuing Acres. Motion Carried.
Operator (Bartender) License Applications: There were no more applications to consider.
Budget Amendment: None
County Aid to Bridges: The board had no projects in mind for 2022.
Broadband Grant: Wes Koehler sent the information the board has received to Paul Walsh and Mark Stensvold who are looking into what is available for the Town of Bennett.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (LFRF): Tamara has applied for these funds and is looking into the uses allowed.
Correspondence: No action taken
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Paul Walsh commented that he talked to Ryan Hayworth, Douglas County Highway Department about getting signs for the ATV trail on the old Railroad.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
May 10, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, May 10, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, May 3, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the April 12 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the April 20 Special Town Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim, to pay the bills, checks #18221-18255, ACH payroll dated 4/29/21 & 5/13/21 and May automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
Moved by Wes to approve payment of the invoice from Johnson Pipe for $878.84 for culverts. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
BID OPENING: Bennett Road Culvert Project Bids and Culvert Bids: The Town Board opened and reviewed bids for the Bennett Road Culvert Project.
There was only one bid for the culverts:
ASDCO Construction Supply--$7,388.00 for each pipe, 2 required for a total of $14,776.00
Wes moved to accept the bid from ASDCO for the culverts. Seconded by Barry. Motion Carried. Bruce Sutherland will order the pipe.
Four bids were received for the culvert project:
Solon Springs Concrete $6,850.00
Lake Effect Construction $6,850.00
Tyler’s Excavating LLC $14,300.00
Olson Brothers Contractors $17,416.00
After discussion, the board decided to have a coin toss to decide between the two lowest bidders as they had no problem with either company completing the project. It was decided that heads would be Lake Effect and tails would be Solon Concrete. Tia Hankins tossed the coin and it landed on the table tails up.
Wes moved to accept the bid from Solon Springs Concrete for $6,850.00. Barry seconded. Motion Carried. Tim Haskins abstained due to conflict of interest. Tim will notify Solon Springs Concrete.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the April 30, 2021 balance of the Checking Account was $$17,431.20, Money Market was $139,579.22, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.34. The accounts balanced with the bank as of April 30, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Tom reported on fire department activities.
CONSTABLE: The clerk read Jay’s constable report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar reported on the cemetery. His report is attached to the original of these minutes.
Wood Culvert—Hagman Road: Bruce was contacted by Solon Springs Concrete about replacing the wooden culvert off Hagman Road. Bruce informed them that it was a private road and up to the land owners to replace the culvert. Fire Department and Ambulance will not cross the culvert until it has been replaced. The residents were informed of that by the ambulance and fire department.
Town Hall Holding Tank: Tim Haskins reported that the plumber was out and put a camera through to view the holding tank. There are no broken pipes. They plan to get the tank pumped and look with the camera again and also dig around the tank to inspect the connections. The plumber will also fix the alarm.
Class “B” Beer & Class “B” Liquor License Applications:
CCZ Campgrounds, Inc., dba Wasko’s Campground Plus, Chris Zoltak, Agent.
Wes moved to approve the license for the 41’x60’ part of the Bar but to include the 30’X60’ addition when the State of Wisconsin issues the occupancy permit. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Cigarette License Applications: Wes moved to approve the cigarette licenses for both CCZ Campgrounds and Sidelines of Bennett, Inc. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Operator (Bartender) License Applications: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve renewal of the Operator Licenses for Herbert James, Sandra Fraley, Rhonda Stewart, James Polinsky, Jonathan Lindberg, Trevor Nickell, Haley Zinmer and Patrick Moore. Motion Carried.
Recycle Shed Repair/Update: The board discussed the need to update the recycle shed. Tim will get prices for roofing and siding to discuss at the June board meeting.
Town Garage Electrical Issues: Tim called an electrician to come and check out the electrical problem after Bill Wasko was there to see what was wrong with the furnace and discovered an electrical issue. The power has been cut to the furnace but a new furnace was recommended.
Wes moved to accept the price from Bill Wasko to replace the furnace. The electrician will need to run electricity to the new furnace. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Gravel Budget & Purchase: Wes moved to place an order with Solon Springs Concrete for $18,000 of gravel to be crushed. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Recovery Fund Projects: No more information available as to the required uses of these funds. The clerk will keep the board informed as more information becomes available.
Budget Amendment: Tim moved to approve Budget Amendment #2021-01-R which moves money for the purchase and outfitting of the constable vehicle from the reserve fund. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Correspondence: No action taken
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Paul Walsh asked the board to pursue funds to improve broadband in our area. Paul was directed to contact Mark Stensvold. The clerk also said she would research information that has been sent regarding upgrading broadband in rural areas.
Tia Hankins asked if anything could be done about getting the burned house rubbish cleaned up on School House Road. Wes said he would check into this.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
April 20, 2021
Bennett Town Hall
The Annual Town Meeting was held at the town hall on Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Officers in attendance were Barry Carlson, Chair, Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, clerk. A roster of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notice of the meeting was posted at the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and on the Town Website on April 5, 2021.
Barry Carlson called to meeting to order at 7:00 PM and started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting were read by Clerk Tamara Johnson. Moved by Wes Koehler, seconded by Tim Haskins to approve the minutes as written. Motion Carried.
2020 Financial Report:
The clerk gave an overview of the 2020 Financial Report. Moved by Bruce Sutherland, seconded by Ron Johnson to approve the 2020 Financial Report as presented. Motion Carried without opposition.
Other Business:
Jo Olsen—Lake Minnesuing Association requested use of the town hall for the Annual Lake Association meeting.
Bruce Sutherland updated town on road projects. Would like the board to look at the needed culvert and ditching on Minnesuing Acres Drive by Avis residence. He also stated that the dually box is rotted out and will need to be replaced soon.
Being there was no further business brought before the town, Bruce Sutherland moved to adjourn at 7 p.m. Seconded by Wes Koehler. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
April 20, 2021
The special Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson shortly after the Annual Town Meeting. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.
Purpose of Special Board meeting was to discuss the holding tanks at the town hall.
After discussion of the problem of leaking into the town hall holding tank which is causing it to fill too fast and back-up into the basement, Tim Haskins moved that the board contact a plumber to run a camera through and determine the cause of the leakage into the town holding tank. Wes seconded. Motion Carried.
Tim volunteered to contact a plumber.
Wes Koehler moved that Tim Haskins be allowed to to get the holding tank issue fixed, not to exceed $5,000.00 without further board action. Seconded by Tim Haskins, Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
April 12, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, April 12, 2021, and was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, April 5, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the March 8 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to pay the bills. Checks #18176-18220, ACH payroll dated 3/18/21, 4/1/21 & 4/15/21 and April automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the March 31, 2021 balance of the Checking Account was $16,465.88, Money Market was $142,699.10, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.33. The accounts balanced with the bank as of March 31, 2021. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: The clerk read the report for the fire chief. The report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay gave his report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CEMETERY: Sexton, Glenn Khalar informed the clerk there was nothing to report for March.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Mark Liebaert gave a report to the board on activities in Douglas County.
Wood Culvert—Hagman Road: Discuss at May Board Meeting
Recycle Attendant Substitute: William Albano submitted an application for the substitute recycle attendant position. Tim moved to hire William Albano as a substitute, seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
BVFD Rescue Truck: Travis Theien brought some example of the type of truck they are looking for to replace the current rescue truck. The clerk mentioned that the Town may be receiving more than $50,000 with the stimulus package and wondered if we could apply that to the purchase of the rescue truck.
Kenny Meyer, Secluded Land Company—Zone Change: Kenny Meyer presented his request for a zoning change on property on Klang Road. Wes moved that since the board has no objections, the zoning change be allowed. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Bank Signature Verification: NBC will no longer verify signatures on checks unless the board signs a contract for $25/month. Tim moved to eliminate the verification process. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Bennett Road Culvert Project: Bruce Sutherland presented the information on the Middle River culvert project on the west end of Bennett Road. He volunteered to write up the bids with the clerk and get the bid requests out to be opened at the May board meeting. We have the DNR permit and county aid for bridges on this project already.
Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to put out bid notices for the culvert project and for purchase of the culverts. Motion Carried.
Correspondence: No action
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Bruce asked about the gravel budget. The board will discuss gravel at the May board meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 9:10 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
March 8, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, March 8, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson at 7:30 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, March 1, 2021.
MINUTES: The minutes of the February 8 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to pay the bills. Checks #18120-18175, ACH payroll dated 2/13/21 and 3/4/21 and March automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the February 28, 2021 balance of the Checking Account was $31,444.36, Money Market was $157,687.28, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,033.32. The accounts balanced with the bank as of February 28, 2021. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Tom Avis gave the fire department report. Flea Market is scheduled to be held June 26, all outdoors. The report is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: No calls except one for missing dogs during the meeting. The truck battery keeps dying on the new constable vehicle.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss.
Recycle Attendant Substitute: No applications were received.
BVFD Rescue Truck Purchase: Will discuss town participation in the purchase of a Rescue Truck at the April Board Meeting.
Correspondence: No action
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: None.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Wes moved to adjourn at 8 p.m. Seconded by Tim. Motion Carried.
February 8, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, February 8, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson following the town caucus. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, February 1, 2020.
MINUTES: The minutes of the January 11 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
The minutes of the January 18 Special Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Wes, seconded by Tim to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to pay the bills. Checks #18081-18119, ACH payroll dated 1/21/21 and 2/4/21 and February automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the January 31, 2021 balance of the Checking Account was $16,854.13, Money Market was $199,669.22, and ICS Account had a balance of $201,020.19. The accounts balanced with the bank as of January 31, 2021. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Tom Avis gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: The clerk read the constable’s report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Emergency Access to Driveways on Hagman Road with Wood Culvert: Tabled until spring as the road is frozen and safe until the spring thaw.
Purchase Constable Vehicle/Budget: The 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe was purchased for the constable after approval at the special board meeting on January 18, 2021. Wes stated that it needs to be signed as the Bennett Town Constable and will take care of getting that done.
Recycle Attendant Substitute Needed: The board asked the clerk to post a notice that the board is looking for a Substitute Recycle Attendant to work when needed. Applications should be submitted to the clerk by March 8, 2021.
Dispose of/Sell 1998 Ford Ranger: After discussion on the condition of the 1998 Ford Ranger, the board decided to dispose of the truck as junked. Wes Koehler will call Lakeside Towing to pick-up the truck.
Reschedule March Board Meeting: Clerk no longer needs the meeting to be rescheduled, the March Town Board will still be held on Monday, March 8, 2021.
Correspondence: No action
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: No action needed.
Public Comment: Tom Avis asked the board to consider purchase of a 2012 Ford F550 4X4 Wet Rescue Truck. He presented the information and asked the board to pitch in $50,0000 toward the purchase. The board will discuss at the March 8, 2021 board meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
January 18, 2021
The special Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, January 18, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson shortly after 7 p.m. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, and Tamara Johnson, Clerk.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, January 13, 2021.
Purpose of Special Board meeting was to approve purchase of a Chevrolet Tahoe for the Constable and approve payment from the Equipment Fund.
After discussion of the 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe that Wes Koehler looked at for the Constable vehicle, it was moved by Wes Koehler that the town board approve purchase of the 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe for $7,790.50 from Sonju Two Harbors along with the light bar and siren presented. Seconded by Barry Carlson. Motion Carried.
Moved by Tim Haskins, seconded by Wesley Koehler to transfer $8,300 from the equipment fund to the Constable Vehicle fund for the vehicle and light and sound bars. Motion Carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Being there was no further business Tim moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Seconded by Wes. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Johnson, Clerk
January 11, 2021
The regular Town Board Meeting was held at the town hall on Monday, January 11, 2021, and was called to order by Chairman Barry Carlson following the town caucus. Other officers in attendance were Wes Koehler and Tim Haskins, Supervisors, Stephanie Lintula, Treasurer and Tamara Johnson, Clerk. A list of attendees is attached to the original of these minutes.
Notices of the meeting with the agenda were posted on the Town Hall, Recycle Center, and the Town Website on Monday, December 7, 2020.
MINUTES: The minutes of the December 14 Board Meeting were read by the clerk. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to approve as presented. Motion Carried.
APPROVE BILLS FOR PAYMENT: Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to pay the bills. Checks #18035-, ACH payroll dated 12/23/2020 & 1/07/2021 and January automatic tax withholding payments to Wisconsin Department of Revenue, IRS, & Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS). Motion Carried.
TREASURER: Treasurer Stephanie Lintula reported that the December 31, 2020 balance of the Checking Account was $13,860.67, Money Market was $59,605.96, and ICS Account had a balance of $1,018.70. The accounts balanced with the bank as of December 31, 2020. Moved by Tim, seconded by Wes to accept the report as presented. Motion Carried.
CEMETERY: No reports until spring.
FIRE DEPARMENT: Tom Avis gave the fire department report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
CONSTABLE: Jay Burfield gave the constable’s report. It is attached to the original of these minutes.
Emergency Access to Driveways on Hagman Road with Wood Culvert: The wood culvert on the private drive off Hagman Road is no longer safe for emergency vehicles to cross. Barry Carlson and Tom Avis will go to the residents and inform them that it needs to be fixed for fire and ambulance to access their homes.
Purchase Constable Vehicle/Budget: Wes presented a couple vehicles that he thinks could be options for replacing the constable’s pickup. He will go look at them and see what they look like. Tom Avis will check on light requirements for the upgraded vehicle.
Budget Amendment: None
Correspondence: No action
Review Permits Issued by Douglas County: None.
Public Comment: None